What Is Lake Turnover?

What Is Lake Turnover?

Imagine you’ve just finished a hot summer day and decided to take a dip in a lake to cool off. The water feels warm near the surface, but as you dive deeper, it gets cooler. This phenomenon is just the tip of the iceberg involving lake turnover. In this brief article brought to you by Aquatic Restoration, we introduce you to the basics of lake turnover, including how it’s caused and why we should…

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Choosing the Best Fish Feed for Your Pond

Choosing the Best Fish Feed for Your Pond

Ponds and lakes are not only picturesque additions to the landscape but also dynamic ecosystems where fish play a crucial role. While fish obtain much…

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Lake Cleaning 101: Basics and Services

Lake Cleaning 101: Basics and Services

A lake or pond can be the centerpiece of a marvelous landscape, but they can also be a rancid eyesore. Whether you have a recreational…

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Frustrated with Pond Algae Control?

Frustrated with Pond Algae Control?

Pond algae, while a natural part of aquatic ecosystems, can quickly turn a picturesque landscape into a living nightmare. Beyond being an eyesore, algae blooms…

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Types of Pond Aerators and Their Maintenance

Types of Pond Aerators and Their Maintenance

Ponds and lakes are often the crown jewels of a property; they provide a serene beauty and a habitat for wildlife. But because these water…

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Why You Should Use a Lake Tint


Why You Should Use a Lake Tint

If you’ve ever marveled at the pristine blue water of a golf course pond or a stunning lake during a drive home, then chances are you were witnessing the powerful impact of lake tint. While lake tint certainly enhances the visual aesthetic of water bodies, its benefits are more than surface deep. In this article brought to you by Aquatic Restoration, we'll explore what lake tint is, how it works, and the myriad of benefits it offers. If you’d rather consult with lake and pond maintenance specialists, then call Aquatic Restoration to arrange a convenient time to sit down and talk specifics. Lake tint, also known as pond dye, is a safe, non-toxic dye used to color ponds, lakes, and other water features.…

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Why Doesn't My Pond Pump Work?

Why Doesn't My Pond Pump Work?

Pond pumps are a lifeline for maintaining healthy water bodies, ensuring adequate aeration, and supporting a balanced aquatic ecosystem. Like all mechanical devices, however, pond pumps are susceptible to wear and tear as well as occasional malfunctions. For property owners, understanding how to troubleshoot and address these issues can save time, money, and the health of their ponds. In this brief article brought to you by Aquatic Restoration, we provide…

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Mosquito Prevention with Pond Maintenance

Mosquito Prevention with Pond Maintenance

It's summertime! Sun's out, guns out, and mosquitos too. If you have a pond, lake, or water body on your property, you're especially exposed to…

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The Environmental Impact of Dredging a Lake or Pond

The Environmental Impact of Dredging a Lake or Pond

Maintaining lakes and ponds is a multifaceted responsibility requiring a combination of tasks to ensure an aesthetic and functional waterbody. Among these tasks, dredging stands out as a critical yet often contentious practice. While dredging can enhance water quality and usability, its environmental impact calls for a careful and informed approach. In this brief article brought to you by Aquatic Restoration, we dive into the environmental implications of dredging. We’ll share a balanced view…

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How to Identify Different Types of Turtles

How to Identify Different Types of Turtles

Turtles are a marvelous part of the aquatic ecosystems in the southeastern United States. These fascinating reptiles play a big role in maintaining the ecological…

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What Aeration Can Do for Your Pond or Lake

What Aeration Can Do for Your Pond or Lake

We're not the only ones to depend on oxygen. Aeration, or introducing air into water, is a core part of pond and lake maintenance. In…

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Choosing the Right Pond Control Services for Your Needs

Choosing the Right Pond Control Services for Your Needs

Maintaining a pond or lake requires a comprehensive approach as a property owner to ensure optimum health, aesthetics, and functionality. Pond maintenance services comprise…

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Why Electrofishing is a Versatile Lake Management Tool 

Why Electrofishing is a Versatile Lake Management Tool 

Electrofishing is often associated with fish surveys and population assessments, creating the foundation for lake and pond maintenance practices. While its primary function is…

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The Danger of Aquatic Weeds


The Danger of Aquatic Weeds

We're all familiar with weeds in the ground, but what about that uninvited guests in the waters? Aquatic weeds can wreak havoc on a pond, and successful pond maintenance will address this risk. While we often focus on terrestrial weeds invading our gardens and landscapes, the threat posed by aquatic weeds in ponds and water bodies is equally significant, if not more so. These uninvited guests can wreak havoc on the delicate balance of aquatic ecosystems and pose challenges for successful pond maintenance. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the danger of aquatic weeds and the importance of proactive management strategies. Aquatic weeds encompass a diverse range of plant species that thrive in aquatic environments such as ponds, lakes, rivers, and wetlands.…

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Spillway Siphon Systems for Lakes and Ponds

Spillway Siphon Systems for Lakes and Ponds

In the world of lake and pond management, spillway siphon systems serve as a highly effective and advantageous tool – especially for older water bodies with aging primary spillways. This brief guide brough to you by Aquatic Restoration dives into the intricacies of spillway siphon systems to highlight their benefits, functionality, and importance in modern water management practices. If you’d like to consult with retention pond maintenance…

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Spring Pond Revival Tips

Spring Pond Revival Tips

As the chilly grasp of winter begins to loosen and spring breathes new life, our ponds and lakes are primed to awaken with vigor. Spring…

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Could My Pond Be Too Clear?

Could My Pond Be Too Clear?

A crystal-clear pond might sound like a dream come true, but pure water clarity is not always a good thing. The pursuit of pure water clarity can sometimes lead to unexpected challenges and disruptions within pond ecosystems. In this brief article brought to you by Aquatic Restoration, we explore the complexities of water clarity in ponds and explore the nuances of clarity extremes and the problems they can entail. If you are concerned about your…

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How To Get Rid of Snails in Your Pond

How To Get Rid of Snails in Your Pond

Is your tranquil pond turning into a haven for pesky pond snails? These tiny creatures may seem harmless at first, but their rapid reproduction and…

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What Are Pond Weeds?

What Are Pond Weeds?

Pond weeds are silent invaders of serene aquatic landscapes, quietly transforming pristine waters into tangled ecosystems. For property owners looking to maximize the beauty and…

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Do You Know How to Protect Your Pond?

Do You Know How to Protect Your Pond?

As vital components of a landscape, ponds require diligent care and maintenance. Protecting ponds encompasses a multifaceted approach involving things from erosion control to aquatic…

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Expert Tips for Successful Pond Weed Management

Expert Tips for Successful Pond Weed Management

Pond maintenance is an elaborate duty involving many tasks. Managing weeds is a critical part of this chore, and we have some tips for…

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Lake Dredging 101: What Is Dredging?


Lake Dredging 101: What Is Dredging?

Water bodies, such as lakes and ponds, are not just tranquil features of the landscape; they are dynamic ecosystems. However, things can go wrong. Over time, sedimentation can accumulate and silently transform these serene waters into potential breeding grounds for numerous problems. This sedimentation not only alters the depth of the water body but also fosters the proliferation of algae blooms, aquatic weed growth, and a decline in oxygen levels. But there is a solution. Enter pond dredging – a critical process employing specialized equipment to remove excess sediment and rejuvenate these essential aquatic habitats. In this article brought to you by Aquatic Restoration, we dive into the basics of dredging. If you would like to have your pond or lake dredged and even…

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Natural vs. Artificial Pond Habitats: Which is Better?

Natural vs. Artificial Pond Habitats: Which is Better?

Ponds, with their tranquil beauty and diverse ecosystems, serve as vital components of many natural landscapes in our beautiful region of the U.S. They support a variety of life forms from fish and frogs to aquatic plants and insects. However, the question of whether to leave ponds untouched or introduce artificial elements for improvement is a matter of considerable debate among conservationists and environmentalists. In this article brought to you…

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Why Is My Pond Drying Up?

Why Is My Pond Drying Up?

Ponds can be serene and picturesque bodies of water. They hold a special place in our environment. However, they are also susceptible to aging and…

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Midges vs. Mosquitoes: Are They the Same?

Midges vs. Mosquitoes: Are They the Same?

Effective pond maintenance demands a nuanced understanding of the intricate web of life that exists within these aquatic ecosystems. In the realm of organisms populating ponds, midges and mosquitoes emerge as significant players. In detention and retention ponds where stormwater management is of utmost priority, discerning the roles of midges and mosquitoes becomes particularly crucial. This article brought to you by Aquatic Restoration explores the dynamics of midges and mosquitoes in the context of…

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How Bacteria Can Be Beneficial to a Pond’s Ecosystem

How Bacteria Can Be Beneficial to a Pond’s Ecosystem

Bacteria often bear the brunt of a negative reputation, conjuring images of spoiled food and potential health hazards. However, not all bacteria are detrimental. In…

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How to Effectively Control Pond Weeds

How to Effectively Control Pond Weeds

Owning a pond or lake in the picturesque state of Georgia comes with the responsibility of maintaining its beauty and ensuring its ecological health. However…

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Bottom-Up Aeration vs. Surface Aeration

Bottom-Up Aeration vs. Surface Aeration

Maintaining a thriving pond ecosystem requires careful consideration of oxygen levels, a vital element for the well-being of aquatic life. Aeration, the process of infusing…

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Bringing Your Fishing Pond To Life After A Drought

Bringing Your Fishing Pond To Life After A Drought

Droughts, a formidable force of nature, can wreak havoc on ecosystems and leave fishing ponds particularly vulnerable to adverse effects. While we may not control…

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How to Get Rid of Algae in a Pond Naturally


How to Get Rid of Algae in a Pond Naturally

Pond ownership can be a source of great joy, but it comes with the responsibility of meticulous pond maintenance. Among the various challenges that pond enthusiasts face is algae. Algae overgrowth stands out as a common and persistent issue which not only diminishes the visual appeal of a pond but also harms the overall health of the ecosystem. In this brief article brought to you by Aquatic Restoration, we will explore effective and natural methods to combat algae and restore the balance to your aquatic haven. If you’d rather have experienced professionals handle your detention or retention pond maintenance, then call the time-tested specialists at Aquatic Restoration. With over 35 years of industry experience, we have the skill and practice to ensure long-lasting…

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The Important Role of Aquatic Plants

The Important Role of Aquatic Plants

Detention and retention ponds serve as critical components of modern stormwater management systems, safeguarding communities from flooding and water runoff. While the responsibility of maintaining these ponds may seem daunting, property owners can find solace in the unsung heroes of the aquatic world – aquatic plants. In this brief article brought to you by Aquatic Restoration, we explore the important role of aquatic plants in detention and retention pond…

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Lake Management Best Practices

Lake Management Best Practices

Lakes and ponds contribute significantly to the aesthetic appeal, ecological balance, and recreational utility of an area. However, diligent pond and lake management is essential…

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Alum Treatments for Improved Pond Water Quality

Alum Treatments for Improved Pond Water Quality

Maintaining water quality is a vital aspect of pond maintenance and fostering a thriving aquatic ecosystem. One effective method for achieving this is through the strategic use of alum, or aluminum sulfate, treatments. Alum treatments can significantly improve pond water quality by addressing issues such as nutrient imbalance, turbidity, and algae blooms. In this brief guide brought to you by Aquatic Restoration, we will explore the science behind alum treatments and provide practical…

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How to Naturally Clean Your Pond Water

How to Naturally Clean Your Pond Water

There is a surprisingly large number of property owners who have a pond or body of water on their premises, especially in Georgia, USA. Another…

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Benefits of a Pond or Lake Management Consultation

Benefits of a Pond or Lake Management Consultation

Maintaining a pristine and healthy pond or lake on your property may seem like a manageable task, but the complexities of aquatic ecosystems often require…

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How to Remove Pond & Lake Shoreline Weeds

How to Remove Pond & Lake Shoreline Weeds

Shoreline weeds around ponds and lakes can play both positive and negative roles in the ecosystem. Some types of vegetation provide important habitat for wildlife,…

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Signs You Need to Refresh Your Pond Management Program

Signs You Need to Refresh Your Pond Management Program

Lakes and ponds are delicate ecosystems that require attentive and adaptive management to thrive. However, even the most well-structured management programs can become outdated or…

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How to Build a Pond or Lake


How to Build a Pond or Lake

Forming a pond or lake can be a rewarding and transformative project for both residential and commercial properties. These serene water features offer various benefits, such as enhancing the landscape, providing habitat for wildlife, and creating a space for recreational activities. However, building a pond or lake is not a simple task and requires careful planning and execution. In this brief article brought to you by Aquatic Restoration, we explore the steps and considerations involved in constructing a pond or lake. If you already have a pond or lake on your property, then remember to keep up with your lake and pond maintenance. If you’d like to employ the expertise of a pond & lake management company, then call Aquatic Restoration to get…

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Should You Put Rocks and Gravel in Your Koi Pond?

Should You Put Rocks and Gravel in Your Koi Pond?

Koi ponds bring enchanting tranquility and beauty to any outdoor space. These ornamental fish are cherished for their vibrant colors and graceful movements, and the aesthetics of a well-designed koi pond can be truly captivating. When it comes to improving your koi pond, one key decision is whether to add rocks and gravel to the bottom of the pond. In this article brought to you by Aquatic Restoration, we look…

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The Best Soil for Aquatic Plants

The Best Soil for Aquatic Plants

For property owners looking to create and maintain an aesthetically stimulating and biologically vibrant pond or lake, one of the most critical factors is the…

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How to Tell If Your Pond Needs Water Quality Testing

How to Tell If Your Pond Needs Water Quality Testing

Maintaining the health and vitality of your lake or pond is crucial for ecological balance, and it makes the landscape look much better. One fundamental aspect of this responsibility is water quality testing. Regular water quality assessments are essential for ensuring the long-term health of your aquatic ecosystem. In this article, we will provide insights into the signs that indicate when it is necessary to perform water quality testing in your lake or pond. If…

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Common Aquatic Plant Treatments

Common Aquatic Plant Treatments

There are countless ponds and lakes in the United States, and especially the state of Georgia. Though ponds and lakes serve functional and aesthetic…

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How Can Sludge Be Prevented?

How Can Sludge Be Prevented?

Aquatic Restoration provides holistic strategies to stop sludge by following proper care routines for aquatic environments like our ponds and keeping sludge at bay…

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Retention Ponds Vs. Detention Ponds

Retention Ponds Vs. Detention Ponds

 As urbanization continues to shape the landscape of cities and municipalities across the U.S., the challenges of managing stormwater and overflow have become increasingly apparent.…

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How to Know It’s Time to Dredge Your Storm Water Retention Pond

How to Know It’s Time to Dredge Your Storm Water Retention Pond

Stormwater management is a critical aspect of urban planning. As municipalities grapple with the developing demands of environmental regulations, the treatment and control of stormwater…

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